farewell 2013

farewell 2013

as my 2013 comes to a hushful, out-like-a-lamb, close, like most of you, i have some goals, resolutions if you want to call them, that i wish to pursue. faraway lands, alpha brainwaves accessible on speed dial, and a new venture or two with a change in my current...

people are strange…

there’s a weird in the air. like the undeniable, artificial, white sugary scent of halloween candy, pitchforking all senses as i skulk up and down the aisles of my local, big-chained grocery store, white knuckling purchases of pepsi, cheetos, and other...

shut the fridge!

welcome to my new series, “shut the fridge.” just like medicine cabinets, i believe one’s refrigerator is a magnifying glass into their soul, psyche, and secrets.  to be honest, the idea of photographing my fridge this morning took some courage. did...