just when i think i’ve absolutely had it with facebook and its gossipy and passive agressive ways, something beautiful draws me back in. typically it’s an animal rescue story, or an interesting article or post from my thousands of “likes,” such...
here are a few of the latest novelties greasing my squeaky wheels. ok. typically i’m good at always having my toolkit loaded; although not a costco member i do backstock most of my household and beauty items so that i’m never in a crispy crunch running...
i have to stop listening to “90’s on the 9;” my current satellite radio station of choice which plays non-stop, commercial free music from the nineties {aka my adolescence.} it’s bad enough that i already had every lyric of the divinyls...
~warning-explicit language post. just when i think it’s safe to test my 3 months and counting, un-pedicured toes {a whole ‘nother blog post} in the shallow end of the piranha infested, twitch producing, medication inducing, turbulent waters that i call...
i struggle at many things. pedicures for one. i suck at pedicures. even with navy seal precision, and tongue-out-of-my-mouth concentration, my toes still look as if i painted them blindfolded. and drunk. and no matter how careful i am when i pay someone else to...
i wish to unfold my body. i long to lengthen, wall-post to wall-post. limbs and fabric grappling for space as i fingertip to pinkie-toe my spot on the playground. i crave more nights under a flashing paparazzi sky. an on-foot, nomadic counsel with the stars {and...