like the unsuppressed giggles of a baby, soldiering through round after round with the tickle monster, my summer has been one uncontainable jar of happy. my work life is changing; in both script and costume, and i’m loving every higher stake, longer hour, and...
it’s been almost a week since i’ve stopped by the bloghouse. july and i are having a forehead to forehead, eyes dilated agog, hot, bated breath, love affair. popsicles, hammocks, sandy feet, beach reads, and pre-supper naps under the lullaby of a ceiling...
i can’t contain my secret anymore. these 3 urban decay products, courtesy of my beloved and dearest friend, john p., are causing me to bounce up and down like a cracked out cricket, very similar to the way john and i spaz out on our spin bikes anytime a ke$ha song...
you can bet your orphan annie, bottom dollar that this song, RAC’s remix of gentlemen hall’s “sail into the sun,” will be knocking some drywall loose at the house this weekend, and maybe even busting a speaker or two at equinox on saturday...
we know i am depth-less. but when it comes to my taste in music, there is no basement. the new avril lavigne jingle is no exception. it’s a hard, foot-stomping beat, with dumb-downed, look-at-me-i’m-edgy-angry-and-say-the-F-word a lot lyrics. my favorite...
it’s been a bit since i’ve done a movie trailer post, but there really hasn’t been much out there that fancies me. that is until i saw sofia coppola’s, based-on-a-true-story, summer release, “bling ring” with emma watson. sofia...