spring break

spring break

darlings it’s been too long. i’ve been remiss from my post. like a rampant co-ed, unleashed on myrtle beach; caution and bra to the wind, my feet dangling, shot-gun, outside the sunroof, as i pass my number to the cutest boy in town; laptops and passcodes...

gobble this….

amid all the gorging, the irksome family members, and the fact that tonight’s scandal has been shelved for a mutha-effin lady gaga and the muppets special, it’s no wonder that this day of “thanks” sends many into a pill-popping, binge-drinking,...
safe word: narwhale

safe word: narwhale

so last weekend i caught the local, debilitating, holiday virus going around town and throughout the country: the cooking bug. i was no match against this cheeky bacterium. everywhere i turned, i was ingesting infectious pinterests boards and blog posts touting their...

shut the fridge!

welcome to my new series, “shut the fridge.” just like medicine cabinets, i believe one’s refrigerator is a magnifying glass into their soul, psyche, and secrets.  to be honest, the idea of photographing my fridge this morning took some courage. did...