goodbye 2011.
can i get you a cab?
this year can’t end fast enough for me.
it was a top five suck, i must say.
i try not to be that girl who bares each & every single maudlin bullet point of a bad situation….so much has been lifted from la blog.
but we prolly all know, twitchy didn’t appear because of the lack of stress in my life.
yet even in the sadness and heartache, there was beaucoup de light and levity.
i had a oodles of fun with you guys playing the safe word game.
and it’s always a lovely time when i get to  visit with fellow blogger friends.
i was able to get a few acting gigs.
although, i definitely had my share of audition horror stories.
hunkiest and i escaped to waters blue & sands white.
this year, i raged. i ranted. but i also loved {fettuncine alfredo-that is}
and i finally did get my sorry ass up into crow pose.
but i still hate it.
 and of course i still am drinking coffee.
 a new year’s happy to you m’loves.
you’ve kept me dripping with grateful and coated in felicity.
thank you from the bottom of my beholden heart.
to 2012!
see you on the other side of sunday.
dedicated to my truest…..
Happy New Year to you my friend! 2012 will be great, I just feel it!
At the risk of being that girl {should you read what i wrote today, gulp} I will say that I am snagging a cab going in the opposite direction of 2011 and tipping double rate to get to 2012 asap. I can only hope that this past year is incentive to never censor or deny anything that the heart wants, as i can vouch that anyone that i've ever loved and lost {as in died, not misplaced} would say the same. I'm truly wishing you all happiness and lovely things Katie in 2012 + a really big tv/movie break! In my senility, I have forgotten Tim {the movie producer's} last name, but I'm going to find it!
xo Mary Jo
I am running there too, my friend. I have had many, many better years. And I won't look at the post of your precious Golden for fear I will burst into tears (already starting!). It's been nice having a peak into your life since I cannot seem to get my sorry butt to NB, which is laughably close! I am very encouraged and hopeful for what 2012 brings and I will send prayers for you too! XO
20 days.
then I shall hug you and dance the happy with you by my side.
your truest … oh god, if only we could have our babies back.
this new year is going to be better. it just must.
Happy new year to you, my dear Katie. 2012 is going to be insanely awesome. Know why? Because we start off with Alt. We'll work our way into an endless succession of magical days from there.
Wishing you an amazing new year!!!
Katie ignore my email. i see you are still doing it but strange i haven't gotten any posts in a couple of months. i will resign up unless you are being an OC snob and not shouting out to the MB LOL! i'm sooooooo ready for 2012 I cannot even tell you. While I kept my self positive in the end it took a toll but I've got a spring in my step and cannot wait for my legs to get into my skinny jeans! Happy New Year.