cycling for survival

cycling for survival

cancer. those two syllables could be the glummest two combinations in the dictionary. who hasn’t been personally affected with the evil of cancer? the insidiousness of the disease, the frustration with lags in treatments and cures, and the devastating toll this...
wednesday wellness

wednesday wellness

wednesday morning kisses to you m’loves. ironic i’m sharing my latest health tip whilst in the trenches of a {should be} bedridden cold/flu; my body waxes and wanes ‘tween the chills of a flu, and the fuzziness of a head cold. thank you all for your...
recovering & plotting….

recovering & plotting….

wednesday loveliest to you m’dears. how is your mid-week catering to you? me hopes you are feeling like the grand priests and priestesses on high that you are; 2012 unfolding beautifully at your feet: laughs from the belly, smiles that last even after you have...
not again

not again

even though i’m still addled and frozen pee’ing from my last round of root excavation, i am {unfortunately} scheduled back today for round two of continuing education credits at university of guantanomo bay. fingers, toes, eyes crossed that this procedure...
year in review…..

year in review…..

goodbye 2011. can i get you a cab? this year can’t end fast enough for me. it was a top five suck, i must say. i try not to be that girl who bares each & every single maudlin bullet point of a bad situation….so much has been lifted from la blog. but we...